Not all the elderly can be called "happy funeral", how to be considered "happy funeral"?

In Confucian culture, the said thirty, forty, fifty ears, sixty know the fate of seventy, seventy years of age, these corresponding years of designation in the Chinese culture are of special significance, seventy years of age, that after it, eighty in ancient times has been very rare, is part of the high life expectancy group of people, that is, in fact, the fullness of its life, so the age of the people died, held a funeral is called "joyful mourning". The funeral is called "happy mourning".

In fact, in today's society, because the medical level of ancient times is not comparable, so the "happy funeral" thing is not uncommon, some rural areas, the elderly died at home, the village people will use the "happy funeral" to comfort their families, that is, the old man at this age has actually enjoyed a good life. The old man this age, in fact, has finished enjoying the earth's blessings, when he went without suffering, very peaceful, and is not considered a funeral, it is a "happy funeral".

So we can see from here that not all funerals can be called "joyful funerals", first of all, to meet the requirements of the age, and in the birth of the old man are enjoying the blessings of life, and lastly, there is the end of the life and death, that is, what we call a natural death, without disease, old age, so that only is to be considered as a "joyful funeral". "joyful mourning". That is to say, the deceased must be blessed, life both, that is, full happiness, full life, full end, life is complete. Although some seemingly "joyful" ceremonies may make people uncomfortable when handling "joyful mourning," the so-called "joyful" ceremonies contain the family's grief, respect for the deceased, and respect for the deceased. The government has also been working to improve the quality of life in the country," he said.

The term "happy mourning" also originated from Zhuangzi, according to the record, when Zhuangzi's wife died, Huizi came to offer condolences, but saw Zhuangzi knocking on the tile, singing. He asked him angrily, "Don't you feel sad about the death of your wife, but you are still singing here. Zhuangzi, however, said that the birth and death of people is the cycle of life, the cycle of heaven, the change of seasons, and that people die peacefully, sleeping between heaven and earth, which is the arrangement of heaven, we should not be sad and weeping for it.