Haddad Offering: Haddad is an indispensable item in the daily rituals of Mongolians. Offering Hada is a ritual used by Mongolian herdsmen in welcoming guests and daily interaction. When offering the Hada, the host holds the Hada with both hands open and chants an auspicious toast or hymn, rendering an atmosphere of respect, and at the same time folds the Hada toward the guest who receives it. The guest should stand up and face the person offering the hatha, concentrating on listening to the benediction and accepting the toast. When accepting the khata, the guest should bow slightly forward, and the khata giver will hang the khata around the guest's neck. The guest should put his hands together in front of his chest to express his gratitude to the giver of the hadeeth.
The tea: to the herdsman's home guests or in the tourist attractions, the host or the service lady will first give the guests a bowl of milk tea. Guests should be slightly yawning up with both hands or right hand to receive, do not use the left hand to receive, otherwise it will be considered to be ignorant of etiquette. Master or service lady poured tea, guests do not want tea, please use the bowl edge gently spoon or pot mouth a touch, the master will instantly understand the intention of the guests. Toasting tea is a kind of noble Mongolian traditional etiquette. In the history of Mongolia, no matter whether it is a rich or poor family, no matter whether it is the upper class or the common people, no matter whether it is in the socializing or at home, in the journey, or in all other occasions, there is no way to use tea as a socializing product. Home guests, tea is an essential hospitality. Therefore, the herdsmen to entertain guests, as a rule, is the first to the guest of honor to offer a bowl of milk tea, and then the hosts and served up fried rice and a big bowl of a big bowl of cream (Mongolian said that the cross and), milk tofu and milk and other dairy products.
Toast: Pouring wine to the guests is a traditional way of hospitality for Mongolians. They believe that wine is the essence of food, the crystallization of the grains, and that the most precious foodstuffs are the expression of the grassland herdsmen's respect and love for their guests. Usually the host is the wine poured in a silver bowl, gold cup or horn cup, resting on a long haida above, singing a moving traditional Mongolian toast, the guest is not drinking wine, it will be considered to be the host look down on, unwilling to treat with sincerity. Guests should then catch the wine, catch the wine with ring finger dipped in wine to the sky, the earth, the fireplace direction point, to show that honor the sky, the earth, the fire god. Don't be forced to drink, but dip your lips to show that you have accepted the pure friendship of the host. Then the housewife dressed in national costume brings fragrant milk wine to the guests, which is also a traditional Mongolian ritual. The host will use poetic language to persuade the wine: "Guests from afar, please drink a cup of prairie wine, which is the essence of our national traditional food, but also our prairie people's generous deep feelings".
To honor the gods: the Mongolian people have the custom of honoring the gods at the ceremonial feasts. According to the description of "Mongolian customs", the chef cut the sheep into nine equal pieces of meat, "the first piece of sacrifice to the sky, the second piece of sacrifice to the ground, the third piece of Buddha, the fourth piece of sacrifice to ghosts, the fifth piece of people, the sixth piece of sacrifice to the mountain, the seventh piece of sacrifice to the grave, the eighth piece of sacrifice to the land and water gods, the ninth piece of the emperor". Sacrifice to the sky is thrown to the meat above the yurt; sacrifice to the land is thrown into the fire; sacrifice to the Buddha placed in front of the shrine; sacrifice to the ghosts placed outside the bag; sacrifice to the mountain is hung on the branches of the sacred tree, sacrifice to the grave, that is, sacrifice to the ancestors of their own people. Placed outside the bag, sacrifices to the water god thrown in the river, and finally sacrificed to Genghis Khan, placed in front of the shrine. This custom can be traced back to the ancient shamanism, its worship of a variety of gods and goddesses, and then the Mongolian belief in Lamaism and absorbed its ancient folk beliefs, the many gods and goddesses into the track of Lamaism.
Hospitality: The Mongols have been known for their straightforwardness and hospitality since ancient times. The Mongolian people have been known for their straightforwardness and hospitality since ancient times. They are full of enthusiasm for their guests, whether they are regulars or strangers. First of all, they offer the fragrant milk tea and bring out a plate of white milk skin and cheese. After drinking milk tea, the host will honor the mellow milk wine, the summer season will also invite guests to drink horse milk wine. Some regions use hand-steak meat to entertain guests, there are certain rules. For example, with a pipa bone meat with four long ribs meat meal; beef with a spine meat with half a section of ribs and a section of fat intestines to guests. Before a girl gets married or after she gets married back to her mother's house, she is treated with lamb breast meat, and the lamb's calf bone, chin chin, and neck meat are all for the younger generation and children to eat. The whole goat is served on the day of the reception of honored guests or on the day of the celebration.
Respect for the old and love for the young: Mongolians honor the old and love the young. When you are a guest in a yurt herder's house, you have to greet the old man. Do not pass in front of the old man, do not sit on his seat, do not sit side by side with the old man without permission. Address the elderly as "you", not as "you" or by their first names. When you see herdsmen's children, don't scold them loudly, and don't hit them. Don't talk about a child's physical defects in front of the family. Being kind and affectionate to the child is considered a sign of respect for the parents.
Singing: The Mongolian people's persuasion of alcohol is often expressed through sincere singing, singing and persuasion of alcohol is carried out at the same time, often one person sings the main song, everyone raises their glasses in chorus, and then we all drink together, so several times, the wine is sound. Singing is ceremonial, but also improvisational, one person or several people, but also the chorus, the singing is often painful, all night long. Hospitality: The Mongolian people have the traditional virtue of hospitality, which has been passed down from ancient times to the present.
Electing hunting dogs: Mongolians have the custom of hunting dogs. Therefore, they attach great importance to the selection of a good hunting dog - "Taig", that is, the castrated short-haired fine dogs. Selection of hunting dogs to focus on good breeds, that is, from a good breed of puppies in the selection of waist long, tail long and well-proportioned, sensitive hearing, sharp eyesight, agile, fast running up the puppy as a hunting dog.
Greetings: meet to greet each other, even if it is a stranger to greet; peers, acquaintances meet, generally ask: "Sai Bainu" (hello), if you meet the elders or meet for the first time, you have to ask: "he Sai Bainu" (hello). While it is a traditional Mongolian virtue to treat travelers (whether you know them or not), you must respect your host when you visit a Mongolian home. After entering the yurt, you should sit on the carpet with your legs crossed around the stove, but the west side of the stove is the owner's place, so you can't just sit there when the owner doesn't sit there. Master on the milk tea, guests usually want to drink, do not drink rude; master please eat dairy products, guests do not refuse, otherwise it will hurt the master's heart. If it is inconvenient to eat more, eat a little is okay.
Kinuo customs
Men wear white collarless lapel cotton blouse, the back of the garment is embroidered with round colorful rays pattern, wearing wide cotton and white pants; women wear cape-style peaked cap, wearing a lapel collarless unbuttoned inlaid with 7-color patterned lab coat, the chest has a beautifully embroidered, adorned with a round silver triangular fitted pockets, wearing a black-and-white shavings, edged skirts. Jinuo people's staple food is rice, and the food that accompanies meals is mainly wild vegetables, wild fruits and mushrooms collected by women and their self-produced vegetables and fruits. Meat is mainly cow, pig, dog and chicken, and the animals hunted by men are also the main source of meat. Jinuo housing construction in the past is "dry fence type" bamboo building, with the improvement of people's living standards, began gradually to solid, not easy to fire wood columns stone-based tile roof "bamboo building", instead of not strong and not conducive to fire prevention of thatched roof bamboo building.
Kinuo marriage for monogamy, free love before marriage, few divorces after marriage, in the past still retained some of the remnants of the pair marriage and group marriage. Kino young men and women after the "rite of passage", that is, the qualification to fall in love. In the labor of song, and leaves for the letter agreed to meet the time and place; to be two people in love with each other, can live together. The wedding is usually held after the birth of the first child. When the wedding is held, the elders must be present. The bride returns home five days after the wedding, and only returns to live with the man's parents a few days later.
Kinuo funeral generally practiced burial, digging a single wood for the coffin, buried in the public **** cemetery, do not leave a mound. The deceased's life before the full set of production, living supplies, as a martyrdom, the rich also buried in a copper pot of silver. Tomb table built bamboo building, inside the bamboo table, the family of the deceased to the bamboo room 3 times a day to offer rice, offering 1-3 years, and then dismantle the bamboo room. Due to the public *** cemetery is very small, and can not be expanded at will, so the kino people have in the former graves buried in the custom of new coffins. Pregnant women and the mentally ill die and are cremated. Kino couples are not buried together.
The A-people don't know what kind of ethnicity they are. Are you writing less-