Why is Alzheimer's always preferred to find the Chinese elderly?

Not just China's elderly, in fact, in Southeast Asia, these three countries, China, Japan and South Korea are quite high-frequency hair , Europe and the United States is relatively good, Yin Asians this side of some of the customs and traditions, there are really some annoying, a lot of elderly people are always thinking about a variety of things inside the brain, so that they can not calmly old age, old age on the good old age. The old age on the pension on the line, always thinking about how to interfere with the children's lives? In the end, the children annoyed, they are still angry branded a disease, why bother, is not happy to play through the last stage of life? It's not a good idea to have a good time. Especially some old people in China, every day thinking about how to interfere in the life of their children, so that their children listen to them more, please, your children are already married, they are already an adult, and even said that they have children, why do you still want to think about how to control it? They can't be as obedient as they used to be, they will go after their partner's opinion first, there are always some old people who go to fight with their children's partners, I think it's really childish, children and grandchildren will always be happy, isn't it good to let the children make their own decision? Why do they have to interfere? As long as the children do not listen to their own words, they will be sulking, will be unhappy, the brain all day long just a little thing, nothing else, certainly will get sick ah, don't Alzheimer's, you are a normal person, every day, so tortured their emotions, will get depressed ah, is not every day to go out and walk with their peers? The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money to pay for the services you provide. Why do you have to find some emotions for yourself? Europe and the United States side of the old man is very open, not only the old man, the young people are also very open, the old man feels that their children are 18 years old adult, they go out to break through on the line, with their own no relationship , they will not go to interfere in the, so in fact, is the best way to get along with the parents and their children, they are old, nothing, just keep a pet, happy! So live, every day is a happy happy thing, nothing, go out traveling, so healthy mentality, how can get these diseases?