How to lose weight for people with easy-to-fat physique? How to lose weight for people who are prone to obesity?

We often hear such words, "I drink cold water are fat," "did not eat a lot of things, but it is fat," said such a person is likely to be easy to fat body people. Originally long fat is a very easy thing, plus they are easy to fat body, weight loss is not more difficult, that easy to fat body how to lose weight? How to lose weight for people with easy-to-fat body type?

One. Three easy to fat body

1, fire-explosive type

Features: easy to have a feeling of hunger, bad breath, taste, mouth broken, easy acne and constipation problems.

The fire of the stomach can easily lead to poor peristalsis of the stomach, resulting in incomplete digestion, some people are system or poor lifestyle habits caused by poor gastrointestinal function, while the digestive tract function is poor, for the body to circulate the metabolism of the natural formation of obstacles, is one of the hidden worries of the cause of obesity.

For the body circulation metabolism naturally formed obstacles, is one of the hidden worries caused by obesity

2, qi stagnation type

Features: worry and depression, poor mood, resulting in gastrointestinal dysfunction, sleep quality is poor, easy to commit physical problems.

Liver depression and stagnation type of fat crisis and mental emotions, this type of fat beauty usually have emotional instability, moody or irritable and other emotional reactions. Because of the indirect impact on the function of the stomach and intestines, so there may be overeating or anorexia state, so that the body shape shows up and down unstable state.

3, edema type

Features: love to eat cool, heavy food; easy to dry mouth, secretion, lower body edema phenomenon.

Oedema-type obesity is that the body water can not be metabolized properly, resulting in excess water hoarding in the body, the circulation is relatively impeded and the formation of obesity.

For the edema-type fat beauty, as long as the elimination of the phenomenon of edema, can improve the problem of obesity. In fact, the formation of edema body and the body of poor metabolism is closely related.

2. Easy to fat body how to lose weight

While easy to fat body is relatively not easy to lose weight, but does not mean that not be able to successfully lose weight, adhere to the following methods, I believe that easy to fat body friends can have a slim figure.

1, strict control of the day's intake of calories

We all know that when we consume too much calories and do not consume the corresponding energy, these remaining calories will be piled up in our body, thus leading to obesity. Therefore, to successfully lose weight, we must first control our diet and reduce our calorie intake. Usually should choose low-fat, low-calorie food, such as white meat (chicken, fish, seafood, chicken, rabbit), soy products, vegetables, melons, mushrooms and fungi, fruits, etc., and cooking methods should be more use of steaming, boiling, burning methods, less oil, less salt, each meal should not be too full to seven minutes full for the most appropriate, and dinner must be if the least portion of three meals, if you can go to sleep with a little bit of hunger is the best.

2, eating chewing

Overeating is the nemesis of weight loss, if you belong to the fat body, eating time is more to chew slowly, which is not only conducive to saliva and gastric juices on the digestion of food, but also conducive to reducing the number of eating. Food into the human body, blood sugar rises to a certain level, the brain appetite center will send a signal to stop eating, too fast eating, the brain sends a signal to stop eating before you have eaten too much. Therefore, want to safe and efficient slimming easy fat body friends must chew slowly, not swallow.

3, every day to arrange the right amount of strength training

To successfully lose weight, proper exercise is essential. Aerobic exercise is the most ideal type of exercise for fat burning. Only by adhering to more than 30 minutes of low- and medium-intensity aerobic exercise can we consume a large amount of fat for the body's energy supply. Therefore, to achieve a good slimming effect, you need to make sure that each aerobic exercise lasts more than 30 minutes, preferably not more than an hour. Each person can choose some suitable aerobic exercise according to their own physical condition. For example, young people can carry out fast walking, running, cycling, basketball, badminton, etc., the intensity of the exercise. And a little older can walk, play Tai Chi, square dancing, etc., the intensity of the exercise should not be too intense.

4, drug therapy to achieve fat reduction, weight loss

In addition to the above by controlling diet and increasing the amount of exercise to lose weight, drug therapy is to make obesity patients to obtain long-term and stable weight loss effect of a means. Currently commonly used drugs for the treatment of obesity are mainly safer non-central nervous system effect of weight loss drugs, such as Sulka. Sulka mainly through the inhibition of fat absorption, to achieve absorption is less than consumption, due to the lack of exogenous fat supply, the body will consume their own fat to provide energy, thereby reducing weight, so Sulka not only to prevent the body from further fattening, but also to reduce body fat. And Shulga meets the WHO "no diet, no diarrhea, no fatigue" three elements of healthy weight loss. It is suitable for a wide range of people, including women who need to lose weight, business people, middle-aged and elderly people, and teenagers (12-16 years old), who only need to take 1 capsule (120mg) orally at mealtime or 1 hour after a meal, and take it no more than 3 times a day.

Through the above narrative, I believe that you for why drink cold water are long meat and weight loss methods also have a rough understanding of it, in fact, the main reason for this phenomenon is usually the diet structure is not reasonable enough, slow metabolism caused by the reason, as long as in the usual daily life pay more attention to this adjustment, I believe that now this drink will be long meat of the circle will be The first thing that you need to do is to get rid of it.