Simple Dance for Teachers

Simple dances for teachers are as follows:

1, "all you" dance: handsome dance, dynamic song, New Year's Day jumped up to liven up the atmosphere, the most appropriate!

2, "Teacher Teacher": New Year's Day is coming, dance a "Teacher Teacher" dance, to thank the hard-working teachers.

3, "Chinese words" gesture dance, suitable for New Year's Day dance, decomposition of movements to practice up, the rhythm is super strong, jump up handsome!

4, "seve" ghost dance: hot song with handsome ghost dance dance jump up, burning the whole field, do New Year's Day dance is really good!

Dance suggestions:

1, the New Year's Day Arts Festival is actually a very good platform to show their talents, because it is a literary style, so there is no need to be overly restrained, you can be a little generous and rhythmic.

2, it is recommended to dance a strong sense of rhythm of jazz dance, jazz dance that is the United States modern dance, is a kind of rapid and dynamic rhythmic dance, is a kind of outward-looking dance, unlike classical ballet or modern dance performance of a kind of introverted dance.

3, a group of people or a pair of people dance up is good-looking, there is a handsome sense of handsome men and women, more eye-catching eye-catching, can show their own dance talent.

4, of course, is the street dance, the network has a lot of video above is relatively simple. You can download it, slow down and watch it, the action repeats more.