What food does not contain sugar? How long can the skin get better after giving up sugar?

1 Quit juice Many people think that fruit is natural and healthy, and it is also healthy to squeeze juice. In fact, fresh fruit is rich in minerals such as dietary fiber, glucose and vitamins, but after juicing, the cell structure is destroyed, and most nutrients such as dietary fiber are destroyed. Without fiber digestion, sugar is directly exposed to the blood. It has a great influence on blood sugar. In addition, it takes several oranges to squeeze a glass of orange juice, and most of the fibers are filtered out. What we drink is basically a glass of concentrated sugar juice. 2 Sugar-free processed foods Tasty cakes, toast, fruit biscuits and other seemingly healthy foods actually indirectly add a lot of sugar, such as glucose, corn syrup, malt syrup, sweeteners, etc. in the biscuit ingredient list, which all belong to the scope of sugar. If you are not sure how much sugar you contain, please check the nutrition label. If you eat more than the amount listed on the label, you will generally eat more sugar than the label. 3 quit high-sugar fruits. Although the sugar in fruit is natural sugar, it is easy to cause a burden on the body if it is ingested too much. High sugar in fruit refers to high GI, which is the glycemic index. When GI > 70 and GL (blood sugar load) > 20, it can be regarded as high-sugar fruit. Durian, longan and litchi are all high GI fruits. If you really want to give up sugar, try to eat less high-sugar fruits. You can choose to eat fruits with low sugar and low GI, such as cherry tomatoes and cherry tomatoes. 4 Abstinence Take milk tea as an example. Milk tea is generally made of sugar, milk and tea. But many milk teas are not pure milk but creamer. Even inferior milk tea is only made of sugar and other additives, and almost no nutrients are all sugar. Drinking too much will not only affect blood sugar in the body, but also easily lead to obesity. It should be noted that although sugar-free drinks are sugar-free, excessive additives such as syrup in the ingredient list are also harmful to health, so the healthiest thing is to drink boiled water. It is not recommended to drink sugar-free drinks and milk tea at the same time during the sugar withdrawal period.