How to do calf muscle strain when playing football?

During exercise, when the warm-up activity is not sufficient, some muscles are not exercised, they do not reach the required state during exercise, or the muscles are tired, their functions are reduced, their movements are wrong, their movements are rude, and the temperature is too low, which may cause muscle strain. Muscles at the back of thigh, back, triceps and upper arm are the most easily strained.

Treatment method:

1: Stop moving; Let the injured muscles rest so as not to aggravate the injury;

2: cold compress; Put the ice pack on the injured part, and be careful not to get frostbite or rub it with ice. If there is no ice pack, you can apply a cold towel to the affected area and change it every 2-3 minutes, or soak it in cold water directly. Cold compress every 2-3 hours, each time 10- 15 minutes.

3: dressing; Be careful not to bind the injured part of the muscle too tightly, and it is appropriate that the bound part is not purple, numb or frozen.

4. Early treatment of strain: don't apply hot compress or knead locally, so as not to aggravate swelling and bleeding;

5. seek medical attention; If serious muscle strain leads to muscle fracture, you should go to the hospital for corresponding treatment.

I hope these can help you;