The joints will hurt after exercise.

The causes of joint pain related to exercise are as follows: First, insufficient preparation during exercise leads to joint injuries such as knees, ankles, shoulders and elbows, and even small bone pieces are torn. Local swelling and pain are not treated in time, which leads to traumatic inflammation, which affects the normal function of joints for a long time and often hurts. When it rains on cloudy days, the pain can be aggravated when the air pressure is low, and it is often mistaken for rheumatoid arthritis. The second is chronic strain. Due to the excessive amount and intensity of exercise, the activity is too intense, the local burden is too heavy, and even some minor injuries gradually form chronic strain. For example, many jumps and squats, repeated traction and wear of the knee joint, make the cartilage surface and tendon of the patella degenerate, easily produce patella strain and cause chronic joint pain. Third, after exercise, the joints are attacked by cold, and the local blood vessels suddenly spasm, causing local tissue metabolism disorder and joint pain. These are often caused by carelessness during exercise, not the exercise itself.

For chronic arthritis or joint pain, acupuncture, massage, physical therapy, drugs, external application and other treatment methods, combined with certain physical exercise, will improve local blood circulation, enhance muscle strength and increase joint flexibility. For example, patients with patellar strain can strengthen quadriceps strength exercise, which will not aggravate the condition, but will have a good therapeutic effect. Other types of arthritis are not suitable for physical exercise in the acute stage, but in the chronic stage, it is necessary to cooperate with physical exercise in the functional recovery stage, and there is no need to give up exercise because of joint pain or fear of arthritis.