What does carbohydrate mean? What are the common foods containing carbohydrates?

People often see it on food and beverage packaging bags or during weight loss exercise? Carbohydrates? But generally I don't know what carbohydrate means. About what carbohydrates are, if you are interested, you can continue reading.

What does carbohydrate mean?

1. Carbohydrates are organic compounds with three constituent elements, namely, hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. Because the ratio of hydrogen and oxygen contained in it is 2: 1, it is called carbohydrate.

2. Carbohydrate is the main component of life cell structure, and it can also provide heat energy for human body and regulate biological cell activities.

3. The main functions of carbohydrates are: maintaining energy for brain function, storing and providing energy, avoiding consuming protein in the body and regulating fat metabolism.

4. According to whether carbohydrates can be hydrolyzed and the products after hydrolysis, they are mainly divided into three categories, namely monosaccharide, oligosaccharide and polysaccharide.

What are the common foods containing carbohydrates?

Foods containing carbohydrates are mainly divided into five categories, namely cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and sugars. Some common foods such as rice, corn, sweet potato, potato, watermelon, banana and apple all contain carbohydrates.