After his father died and was promoted to the throne of Macedonia, Alexander's first order was to pursue his father's dream and conquer the Persian Empire. Under the pretext of seeking revenge, Greece crossed Darius I and Xue Xisi, and Alexander crossed Heiles to Asia Minor. When he went south, he defeated the Persian army in Kush, grani, and Halicarnassus, grani. His next big showdown will be held in Isus in 333 BC 1 1. This battle will be the first of two meetings between Alexander the Great and Darius, king of Persia. Both ended in the defeat of the Persian army.
When Alexander learned that Darius existed in the farmland near Issus, he quickly moved south from Godim, crossed the Silesia Gate and reached the port town of Isus. Although the battle itself will go further south on the narrow plain between the Mediterranean Sea and the Amanou Mountains, the port is the base camp of Alexander's army. It was there that he left many wounded and sick people waiting for recovery. Later, when Darius led his army to meet Alexander on the Penarus River, the king of Persia stopped at the Greek base camp. He tortured and executed Macedonian soldiers who were recovering and cut off the right hands of those who were allowed to live. This action will further inspire Alexander's army to defeat the Persians.
The two armies met on the Penarus River; It's very cold.
In order to welcome Alexander, Darius moved north from Babylon to the east of the Isu River. According to ancient data, the historian Ruth Sheppard estimated that Darius had 300,000 to 600,000 troops and 30,000 Greek mercenaries, while the more modern figure was between 25,000 and10000, and the Greek mercenaries only had10000. Although he considered waiting for Alexander there, Darius changed his mind and hoped to isolate Alexander from his base in Isus. Alexander marched south from Isus to Syria, but returned to the north after Isus confirmed the existence of Darius. Darius continued to move south to the narrow strip west of the Amanou River, thus putting his troops at a disadvantage. The two armies met on the Penarus River; It's very cold. But this area did provide Alexander with obvious advantages, because it not only reduced the mobility of Darius, but also dispersed his own army.
Plutarch talked about this advantage and its upcoming victory in his biography of Alexander the Great. He said:
Fate is not friendly to Alexander when choosing the ground, but carefully improves what is beneficial to him. Because the number was pitiful, far from being outflanked, his right wing extended further than the enemy's left wing, fighting at the front line and letting the barbarians escape.
Unfortunately, Darius ignored the advice of his trusted Greek general Charles Das. He told Darius to split his army and let him (Charlie Daams) fight against Alexander alone. Darius ignored this suggestion because some people thought it was a question of self and prestige. He can't lose to this young Greek upstart. After being ignored, Charidamus made some false remarks about Persians. Darius speaks Greek and fully understands these comments. He was so angry that he immediately executed his general-many people thought it was unwise, because Charles Daams was regarded as one of Darius' most capable generals.
The whole battle didn't go well for Darius. Despite being superior in number, he and his men were soon on the defensive and could not maneuver according to their wishes. Darius' left flank was blocked by the valley, with mountains on the left and the sea on the right.
On the other hand, Alexander can use the square formation he trusts. His right wing extends to the mountains and his left wing to the sea. He has three battalions on the right and four battalions on the left, with heavy infantry in the middle. Seeing Alexander's formation, Darius launched cavalry to attack Alexander's right side, hoping to break through his right side. Despite being blocked by Darius' river bank and fence, Alexander and his cavalry companions quickly passed through Darius' left wing. The attempt to drive Alexander back to Pi narros failed. Historian Ariane said in his battle of Alexandria:
Darius' Greeks pushed the Macedonians back into the water and saved their left wing for a day. On the other hand, Alexander's victory plan is in front of them, and they are determined to compare with his success, rather than lose their invincible pride title so far. Give them.
Alexander and his army turned to the center of Persia, where he found Darius. Although Darius' brother Oksa Reyes tried to stop Alexander's charge, he failed. Darius first fled the battlefield in a chariot, and then rode a horse. Although his thigh was badly injured, Alexander chased after nightfall, but returned empty-handed. At the same time, under the leadership of Pamvon, Alexander's left wing and Darius' right wing had problems. However, the Persian army saw their leader escape, and they also fled; Many people were trampled to death at the large-scale exit. The Persians lost 100000 infantry and 10000 cavalry, while Alexander only lost 1200. As before, these figures are Greek estimates. Modern estimates are more reasonable: Darius lost about 20,000 people and Alexander lost 7,000 people. The Persians left in such a hurry that Alexander and his men were waiting for a lot of plunder. Plutarch said:
... Darius' tent, Alexander himself kept gorgeous furniture and high-quality gold and silver. They (infantry) broke their arms and went to take a bath, saying to themselves, "Now let's wash our war pains in Darius' bathroom.
However, it's not just gold and silver left behind-Darius' mother, wife and two daughters were found in his tent, but Alexander assured them that they wouldn't be hurt. Plutarch wrote:
...... (Alexander) Let them know that Darius is not dead, they don't need to be afraid of any harm from Alexander, he just fights with him for the sake of rule; They deserve everything they are used to getting from Darius.
Although Darius sought his family back and promised Alexander half the kingdom, Alexander refused. Instead, Alexander challenged him to stand up and fight. They will meet again in Gauguin Milla, and Darius will escape again, but this time he will be killed by his own people-Bezos.