How to lose weight and exercise muscles easily in three ways?

Directory method 1: Change diet to lose weight 1 Calculate the ideal daily calorie intake. 2. Eat natural and healthy food to get the maximum nutrition. 3. Increase the intake of protein to exercise muscles and increase satiety. 4. Plan to lose 0.5- 1 kg per week. Method 2: strength training 1 exercise muscles, and do strength training three times a week for 45 minutes each time to help build muscles. 2. Every exercise should include leg exercises. 3. Exercise thrust and tension. 4. Exercise core muscles. 5. Keep a diary to record the progress of exercise. 6. If you are a novice in strength training, you can consider consulting a fitness instructor. 7. Doing stretching exercises helps to prevent injuries. Method 3: Incorporate HIIT 1 and replace long-term aerobic exercise with HIIT. 2. Warm up for 3-5 minutes. 3. Try to exercise for 60 seconds. 4. Slow down and exercise for 2-4 minutes to recover. 5. In order to achieve the best effect, conduct 1-3 high-intensity interval training every week. Losing weight and exercising muscles are both challenging, but as long as you ensure a healthy diet and adopt a new exercise plan, it is not a dream to accomplish these two goals at the same time! Eat a lot of protein and healthy carbohydrates, so that you can have the energy to keep fit and lift weights. You can also join high-intensity interval training to burn fat as effectively as possible.

Methods 1: Change diet to lose weight.

1, calculate the ideal daily calorie intake. To lose weight, the body must consume more calories than it does, which is the so-called calorie "deficit". You can use an online calculator to figure out how many calories you need every day. Everyone has different needs. It is better to use a calculator to calculate more accurately than to refer to the general guide. After roughly calculating how many calories are needed, subtract 300 from it. For example, if the calculator suggests that you eat 1800 calories a day, you should eat 1500 calories if you want to lose weight.

Remember, you should have enough energy to exercise, so don't drastically reduce your calorie intake.

Ask your doctor about your nutritional needs.

2. Eat natural and healthy food to get the maximum nutrition. Choose foods that meet your body's needs and provide energy. Natural healthy food is the best energy source for human body without processing or only after several processing procedures. They usually contain less fat and sugar than processed foods, so they also help to lose weight. Natural healthy food includes: fruit.



stem tuber

Whole grain

3. Increase the intake of protein to exercise muscles and increase satiety. When you are trying to reduce calories, you may need to increase the intake of protein to help build muscles. It is planned to consume about 0.5g of protein per 1kg body weight. Sources of health in protein include: chickens.




Eggs (of hens)

dairy produce

4. Plan to lose 0.5- 1 kg per week. The key to healthy weight loss is slow and steady. If you lose weight too fast at once, your muscles will be lost. Your goal should be to lose 0.5- 1 kg per week.

Method 2: Exercise muscles through strength training.

1. Do 45 minutes of strength training three times a week to help exercise muscles. The best way to exercise muscles is to lift weights. You can use free weight or equipment or both. Arrange strength training for 45 minutes three times a week. Do it every other day, not for three consecutive days.

Consider going to the gym so that you can use all the necessary equipment and have staff to guide you.

2. Every exercise should include leg exercises. Legs are a major muscle group and must be covered in every exercise. If you exercise in the gym, you can ask the staff how to use the weightlifting equipment. Be sure to exercise _ hamstring, quadriceps femoris, inner and outer thighs. If free weight is used, each exercise should include the following activities: Squat.

forward lunge

Hard inquiry (a way of credit inquiry)

3. Exercise thrust and tension. In order to get the maximum benefit from exercise, push-pull action is essential to exercise muscles at all angles. Effective thrust exercises include supine press, overhead press and triceps support. Pull exercises include rowing machines and pull-ups. Determine the weight to use according to your physical condition. Maybe 2 kg at first, and then gradually increase the weight. The number of groups and repetitions are the same. Generally, you will do 2-3 groups at the beginning, and each group will repeat 10- 12 times.

4. Exercise core muscles to shape abdominal muscles. Exercising core muscles can build hard abdominal muscles and increase the overall strength and stability of the body. Incorporate flat support into exercise. At the beginning, keep the posture of flat support for 30 seconds at a time, and then gradually increase the time until it can be maintained for 2 minutes. You can also do lateral plate support with one hand to exercise the abdominal oblique muscles.

Do knee lifts. Hold a stable horizontal bar and hang your body with your feet off the ground. Lift your knees toward your chest and then put them down. Maybe you can only do it two or three times at first. If you keep practicing, you can gradually increase it to a group of repetitions 10- 12 times.

5. Keep a diary and record the progress of exercise. After each exercise, record how many times each exercise is repeated and how much weight is used. Record your starting point and progress. You can use an ordinary notebook or an application to take notes.

6. If you are a novice in strength training, you can consider consulting a fitness instructor. Weight-bearing exercise must be carried out in the right way. Beginners may wish to consult a fitness instructor. If you exercise in the gym, try to arrange personal coaching classes. Many gyms offer free introductory courses.

You may not have enough budget to attend coaching courses often, but it doesn't matter. You can also watch videos on reliable websites to find out what the correct strength training is like. ACE fitness videos, videos made by physical therapists and sportsmen, and videos of certified personal trainers are all good reference materials.

7. Doing stretching exercises helps to prevent injuries. Stretch for 5- 10 minutes after each exercise. Let the muscles focused on the day relax, there is no need to stretch every muscle. Touch your toes and stretch your leg muscles.

Raise your arms horizontally to both sides in a T-shape. Face your palms to the ceiling, then slowly turn to the ground, keeping your arms T-shaped. Hold this position for a while, then slowly turn your palm and return to the position facing the ceiling. Repeat stretching for 4-5 times in each direction.

Method 3: Combined with high intensity interval training (HIIT).

1. Replace long-term aerobic exercise (HIIT) with high-intensity interval training. High-intensity interval training can speed up the heart rate and quickly reach the "fat burning zone", that is, 60%-65% of the maximum heart rate. Although long-term aerobic exercise can consume a lot of calories, muscles will also be broken down together with fat. If you want to exercise your muscles while losing weight, high-intensity interval training is the best choice.

2. Warm up for 3-5 minutes. First of all, you should get used to exercise slowly. Choose simple exercise as a warm-up and do it for a few minutes before starting high-intensity interval training. You can: do cat and cow yoga.

Turn around and swing your arms.

Swing your legs back and forth.

Slow skipping rope

3. Try to exercise for 60 seconds. It doesn't matter what exercise you do in these 60 seconds, what matters is pushing your body to the limit. You should still be able to breathe, but it's hard to say a complete sentence. Set a timer on your phone or watch to let you know when it's time to finish. Suitable exercises include: lateral lunge

Turn jumps on and off.

Run at full speed

4. Slow down and exercise for 2-4 minutes to recover. Now, you need to temporarily lower your heart rate. Keep exercising, but slow down. During this short recovery period, you can do sit-ups or push-ups, walk on the treadmill, or ride slowly on the fitness bike. Continue to burn calories, but let breathing and physical strength recover.

5. In order to achieve the best effect, conduct 1-3 high-intensity interval training every week. The ideal way is to do 30-minute high-intensity interval training 2-3 times a week. Advice and strength training alternate (every other day). You can download the high-intensity interval training application on your mobile phone and follow the guide.

If you like group exercise, many gyms offer high-intensity interval training courses.

Ultra-high intensity interval training will increase the burden on the heart. If the heart rate exceeds 80% of the maximum heart rate during training, limit yourself to doing it only once a week, so that the heart has enough time to recover and increase strength.

Suggest a variety of exercises to avoid boredom.

Keep a diet diary to record the progress and problems of losing weight.

When warning dizziness or dyspnea, please stop exercising immediately.

Be sure to consult your doctor before making any drastic changes to your exercise plan.

Do not lift weights without supervision.