What are the common strength fitness equipment in the gym?

1, sit on the side lift trainer. Training site: middle deltoid muscle. Sit on the trainer's bench in the gym, hold your chest and abdomen close to the cushion, bend your elbow and hold the instrument arm, and put your forearm under the instrument arm, as for your sides. During the movement, the force of several deltoid muscles lifts the instrument arm to the wrist, elbow and shoulder on the unified plane, stops for a moment, and then slowly returns to the initial position.

2. Sit down and pull down the back trainer. Training site: latissimus dorsi, biceps, teres major. When the back-pull trainer is used in the gym, the body is chest-high, and the waist and abdomen are tightened. You sit on the stool and hold the pull rod of the instrument with both hands, so that the shoulders are fully lifted up and the pectoralis major muscles are fully expanded. The contraction force of several latissimus dorsi muscles makes the pull rod pull down to the position below the breastlock and above the breast. Try to make the shoulder blades on both sides of the back close together and touch each other, so that the latissimus dorsi is at the peak position of contraction, and then slowly restore the pull rod to its original position.