What skills does the tortoise have?

Turtles, referring to all members of turtles, are the oldest reptiles in existence. It is characterized by a very strong carapace on its body. When attacked, turtles can retract their heads, tails and limbs into their carapace. Most sea turtles are carnivores, feeding on worms, snails, shrimp and small fish, as well as stems and leaves of plants. Turtles are turtles that can usually live on land and in water, and can also live in the sea for a long time. Turtles are also long-lived animals, and their life span in the natural environment exceeds 100 years. Toothless, slow-moving and non-aggressive, ranging from less than10cm (4 inches) to more than 2m (6.5ft). Strong limbs, suitable for crawling, short feet or paddle-like flippers (turtles), with protective bone shells and horny nails. The shell is divided into upper and lower halves. The upper part is the carapace and the lower part is the breastplate. The carapace is connected to both sides of the breastplate.

Tortoise has many skills, such as somersault, swimming, doing aerobic exercise and so on. Oh, yes, it can also "tug of war" with people! If you turn it upside down and land on all fours, it will slowly stick its head out, reach behind it and put it on the ground. It will turn over, but sometimes it will make mistakes. You have to go through it several times. You have to give it a chance! In water, it is not as clumsy and slow as on land. Its four short legs paddle slowly like a boat's paddle, and its tail swings the rudder from side to side, which is much faster than climbing on land! The most interesting things are doing exercises and tug of war. Grab the turtle's shell and pick it up. It stretches its feet, moves its head and wags its tail from side to side. This is very interesting. When feeding it, it bites and won't let go, and I won't let go. It wouldn't let the meat in its mouth fly, so it pulled up the river with me. Little turtle really looks like an all-around athlete!