What is the average house price in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia?

The average house price in downtown Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is about RMB 30,000-40,000. Most of Malaysia's real estate is a permanent title deed, and some houses with the right to use have property rights for 99 years. The real estate area in Malaysia is the interior area, that is, the actual use area; And the domestic housing is the building area.

1. Houses in Malaysia are all finely decorated when delivered; Most of the houses sold in China are rough houses, which cost a lot of decoration fees and take a long time to really move in. Foreigners can buy multiple houses in Malaysia, but the "purchase restriction order" has already been implemented in China.

2. Malaysia's real estate development will make a qualitative leap in the next few years. For Malaysia, where the house price is much lower than that of first-tier cities in China, investing in home ownership in Malaysia is a very promising choice.