How long can I go to the gym after hysteroscopic electrotomy?

The following items should be paid attention to after hysteroscopic electrotomy:

Pay attention to prevent infection and use antibiotics for 3-5 days as appropriate to prevent bleeding.

◆ Vaginal drainage started 2-3 days after operation and lasted for 2-4 weeks.

◆ Follow-up visit or telephone follow-up after one week to check the surgical wound and pathological results. Close follow-up is needed if the postoperative pathological manifestations are as follows: cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN); Cancer in situ; Cervical CIN with acute eczema; Cervical condyloma flat type, etc.

◆ After 1-2 weeks, a small amount of bleeding began after the cervical wound scabbed, and stopped automatically after 4-6 weeks. If the bleeding exceeds the menstrual flow or increases gradually, go back to the hospital to stop bleeding.

◆ Follow-up for 1-2 months after operation to compare the wound healing. When necessary, topical drugs can promote epithelial repair.

◆ Sexual life, bathing and washing are prohibited within 2 months after operation.

◆ Physical activities such as cycling and carrying heavy objects are prohibited 1 month after operation.

Choose ultra-high frequency surgical equipment with smoking system, such as GD350-E high frequency electrotome, with working frequency of 4.096MHz, accurate cutting, excellent coagulation effect, little trauma, little injury and quick postoperative healing.