Do sit-ups in the gym, what should I do if my muscles are strained?

Friend, I'm a fitness instructor, and I'm glad to answer your question.

The treatment of muscle strain depends on the specific situation.

If a small amount of muscle fiber breaks, it should be immediately cold-compressed, locally pressed and bandaged to raise the affected limb and externally applied with Chinese herbal medicine. If most or all muscles are broken, they should be sent to the hospital for surgical suture immediately after pressure dressing.

Do what you can to prevent excessive fatigue and overload;

To improve the coordination of sports techniques and movements, don't use too much force; Improve training conditions and pay attention to the temperature of the sports ground. Keep warm in winter outdoor exercise and don't wear too thin; Pay attention to observe muscle reactions, such as muscle hardness, toughness, elasticity and fatigue; When you re-participate in training after a muscle strain, you should step by step, don't rush into it, and strengthen local protection to prevent another strain.

The answer is brief and to the point. I hope it can help you get rid of your confusion. If you have any fitness questions, you can ask our coach to answer them.