People who often wear headphones to listen to songs may have hidden dangers to their ears in the long run.

Many friends like to put on headphones and listen to songs for hours. Can seriously damage the ear. Listening to songs with headphones on, what harm can headphones cause?

Ears are easily inflamed. If you often listen to songs with headphones on, if the headphones are attached to your ears for a long time, bacteria will easily form on your ears, making your ears more susceptible to inflammation.

Hearing impairment. Often listening to songs with headphones, the sound propagates to the eardrum, which is easily damaged for a long time, leading to hearing loss.

The eardrum is also easily damaged. Listening to songs often with headphones, especially loud sounds can easily damage the eardrum, leading to a serious decline in hearing.

The external ear receives external sounds and makes the eardrum vibrate along the ear canal. The vibration of the middle ear makes three small bones, namely the malleus, the stapes and the hip, vibrate and transmit sound to the inner ear. The inner ear will stimulate the nerves. After sound information is converted into neuron energy, it will be transmitted to the brain. When listening to headphones for a long time, the sound pressure will directly enter the ear and concentrate on the thin eardrum. There is no buffer space to stimulate auditory nerve endings. Stimulation causes abnormal excitement of auditory nerve, which is more likely to cause auditory fatigue.

The main symptoms are tinnitus, mild hearing loss, mild earache and severe earache. In some cases, the ears can't hear, and some people may feel dizzy, brain edema and inattention. It is difficult to concentrate, and sensitivity to accidents and memory loss can also be annoying.