How long do you exercise after dinner? Is it not good to exercise on an empty stomach?

Many people say don't run or jump after eating, or you will get appendicitis. We know that food reaches the stomach first, then the small intestine and finally the large intestine. The appendix is located at the end of the small intestine. Therefore, theoretically, food cannot be "bumped" into the cecum or even the appendix so quickly by eating and exercising immediately, causing inflammation. But exercise after meals sometimes does cause abdominal pain. The reason is that the stomach and intestines are shaken during exercise, so that the mesentery connecting the stomach and intestines is pulled and abdominal pain is caused.

Even if there is no abdominal pain, it is not appropriate to exercise after meals. Because exercise and digestion are fighting for blood, it will cause indigestion. It is best to rest after meals before exercise 1-2 hours.