15-year-old boy dumbbell fitness program

Give you a set of full-body dumbbell fitness program, which circulates every 2 days.

Day one, breasts. Three heads. Two heads; Press the flat dumbbell on your chest, find a flat bed, hold the dumbbell with both hands, lie on your back, and put the dumbbell on both sides of your chest. Fist to fist, push up. Dumbbells together, evenly and slowly recover. 4-8 groups, each group 8- 12, rest between groups 1 min.

Flat dumbbell flying bird, holding dumbbells with both hands is the same as the above action, except that when lying down, the palms of both hands are opposite, and the small arm forms a V-shaped angle with the big arm. Push up. Draw a semicircle, as a standard, the dumbbells at the top are close together and return to the initial state in a semicircle posture. Groups 4-8. Each group 10- 15. Rest between groups 1 min.


Standing posture, hands lifting dumbbells, nape of neck, arms bending. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold dumbbells in both hands, hold the book "Between Thumb and forefinger" in a tiger's mouth, hold it above your head, put your palms to the ceiling, and then straighten your hands. Do 4-8 groups without changing the upward position of your palms during exercise. Members of each group 10- 12, rest for 1 min, and then do push-ups, with the distance between hands as wide as possible. Do four groups. Each group did their best. Rest between groups 1 min.

Biceps; Standing posture, the dumbbells of both hands are alternately bent, that is, the right hand makes one, and the left hand makes it. I think you should understand this. Do 4-6 groups, with 8- 10 for the left and right hands of each group, and rest for 40 seconds between groups.

Standing dumbbells bend vertically alternately, that is, when lifting dumbbells, the fist eyes are up ... 4 groups, each with 8- 10 group rest 1 minute.

The next day, stand on your shoulders, back, legs and shoulders, and bend over the dumbbell to paddle. Now, hold the dumbbell in your right hand and squat down with your feet in a bow and arrow posture. The left elbow joint is fixed on your left thigh, and the upper body leans forward slightly. Raise your right hand at a height of 90 degrees between the forearm and the forearm of your right hand, and do 10- 15 times. Then on the other side, * * * do 4-6 groups. Rest for 2 minutes between groups.

Shoulder exercises. Standing dumbbells press shoulders. Hold dumbbells in both hands, put them on your shoulders and listen to your ears. Hold your head up like that and put it together, each group 10 times, do 4-6 groups, and rest for 90 seconds between groups. Stand with dumbbells on your side, hands on your sides. Try to raise your arm in a straight line when you lift it, and slowly recover. Do your best in each group, do 4 groups, rest between groups 1 minute.

Leg exercise; Dumbbell squat. Hold dumbbells on your shoulders with both hands, do squats without shaking, and do 4-6 groups for each group 15. Rest for 2 minutes between groups.

Take a day off after 4 days of exercise, and usually eat more fruits and vegetables, milk, eggs and kelp. Bean products, rest regularly every day to ensure 8 hours of sleep, 1-2 months later, the muscles increased significantly!