Is demyelination really terrible?

Demyelination is terrible because demyelination can induce acute disseminated encephalomyelitis.

Demyelination refers to the damage of myelin sheath after myelination. Demyelinating diseases are a group of diseases characterized by nerve demyelination and relatively light involvement of neuronal cell bodies and axons, including hereditary and acquired diseases.

Hereditary demyelinating diseases mainly refer to leukodystrophy, which is more common in children. Acquired demyelinating diseases can be divided into central and peripheral diseases. Acute and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy are the most representative peripheral demyelinating diseases.

Central demyelinating diseases include multiple sclerosis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Among them, demyelination can cause acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, especially in children and young adults, and sporadic cases are more common.

Acute onset usually occurs 1 ~ 2 weeks after infection or vaccination. Encephalomyelitis usually occurs 2 ~ 4 days after the rash, and often shows that the macula is fading. When the symptoms were improving, high fever suddenly appeared again, accompanied by headache, fatigue, body aches, severe convulsions and disturbance of consciousness. Hemiplegia, hemianopia, visual impairment and ataxia are also common.

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