What should I do if I sweat a lot during exercise?

It is normal to sweat a lot during exercise.

Sweating is a way for the human body to keep its body temperature normal because of the rising temperature of the surrounding environment, so as to avoid problems caused by overheating. Sweat glands under human skin secrete body fluids and evaporate, taking away the excessive temperature in the body.

The high temperature in summer affects the body's internal and external body temperature, and the organs are prone to edema, which is life-threatening. Therefore, in summer, the human body will secrete a lot of body fluids to keep the body temperature normal. And some people sweat more and sweat less for many reasons. Like obesity. Body fat is like a sponge used to keep warm, which has a strong insulation effect. The human body also produces a lot of heat because of exercise, and the fat in the body just hinders the emission of these heat. In order to dissipate heat as soon as possible, the body uses a lot of sweating to dissipate heat. Thin people don't have to do this.

But there is another reason, and that is calcium deficiency. Many people know that sweat contains more sodium chloride and should be supplemented with salt when sweating, but they ignore the need to supplement calcium after sweating.