Training methods, how to practice chest muscles with tension rope, and how to practice chest muscle solution with tension rope.

Target muscle: action essentials of upper pectoralis major: 1. Fix the tension rope at a lower position, stand with your feet parallel to the width of hip joint, tighten your waist and abdomen, lean forward slightly, hold your chest out and contract your shoulder blades. 2. Hold the tension rope with both hands, palm down, elbow joint at shoulder height or slightly lower than shoulder. Push obliquely when inhaling and exhaling, and inhale and return to the initial position. Pay attention to the contraction of pectoral muscles during the whole process. Target muscle: action essentials in the middle of pectoralis major: preparation action is the same as above. When inhaling and exhaling, push the arm forward, stop when it is about to straighten, do not lock the elbow joint, and inhale and return to the initial position. Target muscle: action essentials of the lower part of pectoralis major: fix the tension rope at a relatively high position, and other preparatory actions are the same as above, except that the arm needs to be pushed obliquely downward. Tension rope cross exercise 2 target muscle: pectoralis major action essentials: 1. Fix the tension rope at shoulder height, stand with your feet parallel to the width of hip joint, tighten your waist and abdomen, lean forward slightly, hold your chest out and contract your shoulder blades. 2. Hold the tension rope on both sides of the body with both hands, with arms slightly bent and palms facing each other. 3. Inhale and exhale, and at the same time, put your hands close to your chest until your hands touch. Weight-bearing push-ups 3 Target muscles: pectoralis major and triceps brachii Action essentials: Push-ups are a good way to exercise chest muscles, and tension ropes can increase the difficulty of push-ups and strengthen the effect of exercising chest muscles. You can put the figure-eight tension rope on your back (as shown in the picture), fix the handle on your palm with both hands, and then do push-ups. This is done on the basis of proficiency in push-ups. Push-ups 4 Target muscles: pectoralis major and triceps brachii Action essentials: Fix the tension rope on your belt, fix the other end at a higher position, and then start doing push-ups.