What's the number of 12580?

12580 is the life information query service platform of China Mobile.

1. Between merchants and consumers, 12580 has built a bilateral market based on "matching users' needs and advertising directly promoting sales" and is committed to providing "expert-level" information services to customers.

Due to the adoption of a unified national platform and information base, 12580 service can achieve national consistency and cross-regional continuity.

Second, 12580 has established a nationwide network of hotel partners, selected hotels that meet the qualifications and have considerable service quality, and can provide hotel reservation services for users according to the needs of business travelers for hotel accommodation.

Users can call 12580 anytime and anywhere to get all services, and can provide matching queries and recommendations for surrounding businesses in combination with the positioning function of mobile phones.

Thirdly, at the same time, 12580 also provides a multimedia message magazine 12580, which leads the fashion trend and enriches the collection of life information, as well as a wealth of life information subscription services.