High muscle rate

Muscle rate is a proportional value based on the total muscle mass, weight and height. The range of this value determines a person's health and strength. The higher the muscle rate, the higher the basal metabolism, which is a good thing.

Basal metabolic level refers to the minimum energy required by human organs to maintain life.

Body moisture rate refers to the ratio of body moisture to body weight. Water is an important part of human metabolism. A certain amount of body water is helpful to accelerate human metabolism, but not everyone can adapt to a standard body water.

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The meaning of basal metabolic rate

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) refers to the energy metabolic rate of the human body when it is awake and extremely quiet. It is not affected by muscle activity, environmental temperature, food and mental stress, and it is also the minimum energy needed to maintain normal life activities in a day.

There is a close relationship between basal metabolic rate and muscle content, so exercise and supplementing high-quality protein will help to improve basal metabolism, but there will also be some diseases that will affect our basal metabolic rate, such as hyperthyroidism patients, whose basal metabolic rate can be 20 ~ 80% higher than normal people; However, hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism) is 20 ~ 40% lower than normal, and when hormone secretion in adrenal cortex and anterior pituitary gland is insufficient, it will also show a decrease in basal metabolic rate.

Muscle consumes the most calories. The more muscles there are, the higher the basal metabolism is, and the less likely it is to gain weight. Less muscle mass leads to slow metabolism.

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