The poet Li Bai said, "I want to drink, and the cup won't stop." The poet Du Fu said: "Li Bai's hundred poems about fighting wine are buried in Chang 'an Restaurant. The son of heaven called instead of boarding the boat, claiming that he was Brewmaster. Su Shi, a layman in Dongpo, said, "Everyone has his own taste, and his wine poems are unique. "
In addition to poets who love wine, there are also literati painters, emperors and princes, and ordinary people. . . There are countless such examples in Chinese civilization, otherwise it cannot be said that China is the hometown of wine.
But what does wine have to do with health? Traditional Chinese medicine believes that wine can help dampness, and dampness can bring a lot of harm, so this relationship is great. First, let's see what wine is made of. There are generally "rice, wheat, corn, sorghum, distiller's yeast, etc." On the list of raw materials. These things themselves are wet and produced by fermentation, which can generate heat. Therefore, wine is composed of damp heat, and it will produce damp heat if you drink it often or drink too much.
People who drink regularly should feel the deepest. After drinking, it will pass through the throat, and it will feel spicy, and then it will enter the stomach, and it will feel burning. Some people will develop acne and eczema after drinking, and some people will have rosacea if they drink regularly. These are actually damp heat in wine.
As for pathogenic dampness, there is a saying in Chinese medicine that "it is easy to get rid of a thousand cold, but it is difficult to get rid of a damp, and it is as sticky as oil." In fact, it is said that wet evil is sticky and turbid, and it is not easy to get rid of it.
Therefore, we must pay attention to dampness. With damp evil, other evil spirits will gradually appear, and the city gate will catch fire, which will affect the fish in the pool. Therefore, it is suggested that everyone should not be greedy for the wine in the cup, and middle-aged people with drinking habits should limit drinking.
At ordinary parties, you can "replace wine with tea", but if you can't, you can drink a little low alcohol. People with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases must give up drinking, and children can't drink.
Always keep in mind the harm that wine brings to the body and the harm that damp evil brings to the body, so as to drink less and not drink.
Thank you for watching. I am Gao Gao, spreading Chinese medicine for health preservation.