What does CPI mean?

CPI is the abbreviation of consumer price index (also known as consumer price index).

It is a macroeconomic indicator, reflecting the changes in the price level of consumer goods and services that families usually buy.

It is a relative number, which measures the price level of a representative group of consumer goods and services in a certain period of time. Used to reflect the changes in the price level of consumer goods and services purchased by households, it is the coefficient of variation of retail prices of goods and services within one month.

Main influence

CPI is a lagging data, but it is often an important reference index for market economic activities and government monetary policy. CPI stability, full employment and GDP growth are often the most important social and economic goals. However, from the reality of China, the stability and importance of CPI are not as authoritative as the developed countries think, and the economic activities of the market will be adjusted according to the changes of CPI.

Exchange rate impact:

The effect of inflation on the dollar is not clear. Usually, in a healthy economic expansion, raising the interest rate of the US dollar can make the US dollar more attractive. If the rise in interest rates mainly comes from the rise in inflation, it will hurt the dollar. The high inflation rate has damaged the value of dollar investment held by foreigners, so the continuous rise of CPI has a negative impact on the dollar.

Foreign exchange traders are also sensitive to other nuances. For example, traders in the foreign exchange market believe that the Federal Reserve has acted quickly and flexibly to control inflationary pressure, and the dollar may maintain its value or even appreciate.