How to calculate the score of middle school students' height and weight standard

1. The commonly used standard weight calculation formula in China is Broca's improved formula:

Male: standard weight (kg) = height-105 (cm)

Female: standard weight (kg) = height-107.5 (cm)

2. Standard weight (kg):

(Male) = [height (cm)-100] × 0.9

(female) = [height (cm)-100] × 0.85

In the above two formulas, the normal weight is within plus or minus 10% of the standard weight, and 20% is obese.

3. Body mass index (BMI) = weight (kg) ÷ height (square meters)

Body mass index < 18 is thin, 18-20 is thin, 20-24 is normal, 24-26 is overweight, and > 26 is overweight.

4. Basil index = weight (kg)/[length (cm)] 3 times 10 7.

Evaluation criteria applicable to all ages after school: obesity >; 156; Obesity156-140; Medium 140

- 109; Thin109-92; Excessive emaciation