Two hours after a normal meal, the blood sugar range is 3.9-7.8 mmol/L (70-140 mg/dl). The diagnostic criteria of postprandial blood glucose are 1 1. 1 mmol or more than 200 mg.
Blood sugar level is a very important indicator of diabetes, so many diabetic patients are concerned about it. In fact, when diagnosing diabetes, we should judge it from two aspects: fasting blood glucose level and two hours after meals. Fasting blood glucose is normal: the normal range of fasting blood glucose is 3.9-6.1mmol/l (70-110 mg/dl), which is higher than 7.0mmol/L( 126mg/dL), and it is diagnosed as diabetes. Then the diagnostic standard of fasting diabetes is 7.0 mmol or 126 mg. It can be seen that there is a gap between the normal value and the fasting diagnosis of diabetes. Some people are neither normal nor diabetic. We call this symptom elevated fasting blood sugar (impaired). Normal postprandial blood glucose value: The normal postprandial blood glucose value ranges from 3.9 to 7.8 mmol/L (70-140 mg/dl) two hours after a meal. The diagnostic criteria of postprandial blood glucose are 1 1. 1 mmol or more than 200 mg. Then there is a gap between 140 and 200. If blood sugar is at this stage, we call it postprandial hyperglycemia. This kind of person is neither diabetic nor normal. However, it is dangerous for such people to have high blood sugar, and it is easy to get diabetes. Such people must be careful. The hat hangs on his head. If you don't pay attention, you will soon wear a hat of diabetes. Even people with completely normal blood sugar should pay attention to preventing diabetes if there are some high-risk factors. Hyperglycemia is also one of the three highs.