Beibei pumpkin belongs to mini pumpkin. Each pumpkin weighs about 100 g and contains less than 100 calories. This is a low-calorie food.
nutritive value
Rich in protein, carotene, vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and other ingredients, it can strengthen the spleen, protect the liver and prevent night blindness.
Nutritional value of Beibei pumpkin: per 100g, Beibei pumpkin contains 0.6g of protein and 0. 1g of fat. Carbohydrate 5.7g, crude fiber 1. 1g, ash 0.6g, calcium 10mg and phosphorus 32mg.
Morphological characteristics of pumpkin
Annual creeping herbs; Stems usually take root at nodes, reaching 2-5 meters long and densely covered with short white bristles. Petiole stout, 8- 19 cm long, short bristles; Leaf blade is broadly ovoid or ovoid, slightly soft, 5-angled or 5-shallow, sparse and blunt, long12-25cm, wide 20-30cm, with smaller lateral lobes and larger middle lobes, densely covered with yellow-white bristles and fine hairs, often with white spots and convex veins, and the midvein of each lobe often extends to the top, forming a small tip with a light back. Tendrils are slightly stout, covered with short bristles and petiole-like hairs, 3-5 forked.
Nutritional value of pumpkin
Pumpkin polysaccharide is a non-specific immune enhancer, which can improve immune function, promote the production of cytokines, and play a variety of regulatory functions on the immune system by activating complement.
Carotenoids in pumpkin can be transformed into vitamin A with important physiological functions in vivo, which has important physiological functions for the growth and differentiation of epithelial tissues, maintaining normal vision and promoting the development of bones.
Pectin in pumpkin can regulate the absorption rate of food in the stomach and slow down the absorption of sugar. Soluble cellulose can delay the emptying of food in the stomach and control the rise of blood sugar after meals. Pectin can also combine with excess cholesterol in the body, reduce cholesterol absorption and reduce blood cholesterol concentration.
Mineral elements
Pumpkin is rich in cobalt, ranking first among all kinds of vegetables. Cobalt can activate human metabolism, promote hematopoietic function, participate in the synthesis of vitamin B 12 in human body, and is an essential trace element for human islet cells. Vitamin C contained in pumpkin can prevent nitrate from being converted into carcinogen nitrite in digestive tract. Mannitol contained in pumpkin can reduce the harm of toxins in feces to human body. Pumpkin can eliminate the mutation of nitrosamine, a carcinogen. It has anticancer effect. Pumpkin is rich in zinc, which is involved in the synthesis of nucleic acid and protein in human body. It is an inherent component of adrenocortical hormone and an important substance for human growth and development.
amino acid
Pumpkin contains many kinds of amino acids needed by human body, among which lysine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine and threonine are higher. In addition, the genotype of ascorbic acid oxidase in pumpkin is the same as that in tobacco, but its activity is obviously higher than that in tobacco, indicating that the content of immunocompetent protein in pumpkin is higher.
Pumpkin leaf
It contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, among which the content of vitamin C is very high, which makes it have excellent heat-clearing and detoxification effects. Boiling water with pumpkin leaves in summer can relieve summer heat and boredom.