How to self-test the health of the heart

Method 1: wrap the arm with the cuff of the sphygmomanometer. When the cuff expands, the blood flowing to the hand decreases and the temperature of the finger drops. Loosen the cuff after 5 minutes, and the faster the finger temperature recovers, the healthier the heart will be.

Method 2: sit still for 5 minutes and measure the pulse number a per minute; Then continuously make 20 standard bows (with moderate frequency) and measure the pulse number b; Rest 1 min, measure the pulse number c again, add up the three pulse numbers, and subtract 200, then divide by 10, that is, (A+B+C-200)/ 10. Compare the number with the standard to judge the health of the heart.

Judging criteria: 0-3, inner strength; Between 3 and 6, the heart is in good condition; Between 6 and 9, the heart state is general, so pay more attention; Between 9- 12, the heart is not healthy, so pay attention to the heart. 12 or more, the heart condition is worrying.