How to use pmv air conditioner
The top of 1.pmv remote controller is LCD screen, which can display working status, temperature, degree Celsius, signal strength, etc. There is a white pmv sign at the bottom of the display screen to represent the remote controller, and the yellow round button on the right is the ON button, which can be pressed to control the on or off of the air conditioner. 2. There are three buttons under the "On" key, which are used for cooling, heating and dehumidification respectively. Cooling in hot weather and heating in winter. Dehumidification can remove moisture. There is a circular turntable in the middle, with the sign of adjusting the temperature up and down. The top indicates a higher temperature and the bottom indicates a lower temperature. On the left is the auxiliary heating button, which means auxiliary heating, and in the middle is the wind speed button. Press this button to display the wind speed. This is the direction button on the right. Blow it up, blow it down. 3. Next comes health, sleep and healthy airflow, then comes power/mute, timing and OK/Cancel buttons. There is a small button with indication function at the bottom, followed by lock, light, reset and so on. , generally not.