Ask a few macros of World of Warcraft D.


1. Cat version of impulsiveness, repeatedly transforming to cheat energy.


/Actor Cheetah Morphology

Bear version of bullying


/casting giant bear form

Note: Please observe the gap between monster attacks before using this macro.


2. Destroy when sneaking around, and tear at ordinary times.

/cast [nostealth] shredded; [Invisible] destruction


3. Stealth raid, non-stealth laceration (leopard), non-stealth automatic attack

/startattack [nostealth]

/cast[stealth]raid; Laceration (leopard print)


4. Ghost fire

/cast [nostance] fairy fire; Faerie fire (Wild)


5。 One-button tank macro: laceration-> Cut-> Cut-> The cutting sequence is cast. Hold down ALT to cut alone and CTRL to scan.

/start attack

/cast[ modifier: ctrl] cut

/cast[ modifier: alt] sweep

/cast sequence[ no modification: ctrl, no modification: alt]reset = 1.5/ battle laceration (bear), cut, cut, cut.


6. Fast humanoid+touch and fast tree+macro for treatment. This macro can't be used as an ordinary cure or touch.

/Reset the casting sequence = 1 [No gesture] It is natural and quick, and the touch of treatment; [Posture: 5] Natural quickness and healing.


VII. Bear form, bark and tranquility (need to click twice)


/castsequence reset=3 Barking, quiet


8. Deformation medicine


/use super therapeutic agent

/cast [nomodifier] giant bear form

P.s super healing potion can be replaced by iron shield potion, super mana potion, invincible potion, healing stone, etc ... Similarly, when you are attacked by other forms, you can also use this macro to drink medicine instantly to save your life.


9. 1 level moonfire totem can only be used if your goal is friendly or not selected. ..

/target [help][noexists] totem name 1

/target [help][noexists] totem name 2

/target [help][noexists] totem name 3

/target [help][noexists] totem name 4




/Cast [damage] Moonfire (1 level)

PS: The totem name of priority attack is put below, and you can hit whatever you want.


10 ... running macro: fly if you can; No, you can run; If you enter the water, you can swim. 10% ornaments should be equipped when flying.

/cancelform [nostance:2,nostance:4]

/stop macro[ flying]

/cast [swimming] aquatic morphology; [flyable, nocombat] swift flight form; Non-flying [combat] travel form

/equipped with [no equipment: swift flying spell, nocombat, flying] swift flying spell

-dividing line.

Note that these are keyboard flow macros, which are used to set shortcut keys on non-main skill bars, especially 2 # and 3 #, which were originally used to save keystrokes.

1. bark+survival instinct is turned on at the same time. If you are human, you will become a bear;

Copy content to clipboard code:

# Show survival instinct

/cast [nostance] giant bear modeling (deformation)

/cast[ posture] survival instinct

/Stop playing

/display [standing] bark technique

/Shouting "Enter a dangerous state, open survival instinct and bark, and keep up with the treatment."

2. Multifunctional cat macro:

The cat became a cat.

In the form of Caterpillar:

Surrender without a fight.

Stealth is surprise.

In battle, use elf fire.

If you press alt, you will become a cat (usually used to break the ice).

Copy content to clipboard code:

#showtooltip stealth (level 3)

/cast[ modifier: alt] cheetah form (deformation)

/cast [nostance:3] cheetah form (deformation)

/cast[ Attitude: 3, no fighting, no stealth] Stealth (Level 3)

/cast [stealth] RAID (level 4)

/Cast [Attitude: 3, Combat] faerie fire (Wild) (Level 5)

3. Multifunctional bear red

Hold down alt to force the bear to change.

If it is not in bear form, it will become a bear.

It can be recharged. expense

Mango is free of charge.

Copy content to clipboard code:

#showtooltip Giant Bear Form (Deformation)

/cast[ modifier: alt] giant bear shape (deformation)

/cast [nostance: 1] giant bear shape (deformation)

/cast [stance: 1] wild charge bear

/cast [stance: 1] laceration-bear (level 3)

Mango macro:

Panda universal, don't press alt mango, press alt rage:

Copy content to clipboard code:

# Show Tooltip Anger

/cast [nomodifier:alt, stance:3] laceration-leopard print (grade 3)

/cast [no modification: alt, station: 1] lacerated bear (level 3)

/cast[ modifier: alt, position: 1] violence

/cast[ Attribute: alt, Attitude: 3] Violence

Smash macro: non-stealth smash, stealth destroy, hold down alt, tiger

Copy content to clipboard code:

#showtooltip Wrath of the Tiger (Level 4)

/cast [no modifier: alt, stance: 3, no stealth] Shred (level 7)

/cast[ no modification: alt, attitude: 3, stealth] Destruction (level 5)

/cast[ Modify Attribute: alt, Attitude: 3] Wrath of the Tiger (Level 4)

Use decorations 1:

Copy content to clipboard code:

#showtooltip 13

/use 13

Use attachment 2:

Copy content to clipboard code:

#showtooltip 14

/use 14

Best form macro:

Change the black thunder elephant into your own mount.

The flight form and swift flight depend on how many birds you are.

Copy content to clipboard code:

#showtooltip rush

/cast[ combat, no posture] [modifier: alt, combat] travel form (deformation)

/cancel form[ fighting, posture]

/stop macro[ combat]

/cast [swimming] aquatic morphology (deformation); [Flying] flight form (deformation); [No swimming, no fighting, no flying] [Adjustment value: alt, no fighting] Black combat mine image.

-dividing line.

I used some wild pk macros.

Caterpillar Multifunctional Macro:

# Show cheetah form (metamorphosis)

/cancel form[ posture: 1][ posture: 2][ posture: 4]

/cast sequence[ combat] reset = 1 cheetah form (deformation), fishing.

/Stop playing

/cast [nocombat, nostance] cheetah form; [nocombat, nostealth, stance:3] stealth;

/Stop playing

/castsequence [stealth] reset=4 The wrath of the tiger, destruction.

Cancel other forms of deformation

Cats in non-combat state

Cat state hiding

Hidden tiger, destruction

The combat state has transformation protection, which makes it easier to break the ice and restore energy.

Pay attention to the ticking of energy recovery when returning energy. Ideally, after becoming a cat, first 20, then 40, and then another ***60.

Healing/Spell Attack One-click Macro:

# Show Tooltip Update

/target [nomodifier:alt,noexists] player

/cast[ modifier: alt, target = player] [help] rejuvenation; [Injury] Moonfire

# Show Tooltip Repair

/target [nomodifier:alt,noexists] player

/cast[ modifier: alt, target = player] [help] treatment; [Hurt] Anger

# Display Tooltip Treatment Touch

/target [nomodifier:alt,noexists] player

/cast[ modified value: alt, target = player] [help] therapeutic touch; [Hazard] Spark technology

Use rejuvenation/healing/healing touch when the target is friendly, and use moon fire/anger/spark when the target is enemy.

When you don't have a goal or hold down alt, you will interpret it yourself (note that if you don't have a goal, you will set a goal first and then interpret it).

Self-buffering macro:

# Show Wild Blessings

/castsequence [nocombat, nostance, target = player] reset = 10 wild label, thorn, clear omen, fishing.

/cast [nocmobat, no stealth, posture: 3] stealth

/Play [fight] natural grip

The non-combat state of human form endows itself with wildness, thorns and clarity in turn.

Cats are invisible in non-combat state.

The combat state releases the grip of nature.

Badge macro:

# Show Alliance Badge

/use the [nostance] alliance badge

/Stop playing

/cast [nostance] giant bear modeling (deformation)

Use badges and bears with one click to avoid being used by others.

Bear mango macro:

#showtooltip laceration (bear)

/start attack

/castsequence reset= 1 laceration (bear), faerie fire (wild)

Bear mango/elf fire one key

Caterpillar Raid macro:

#showtooltip raid

/cast[stealth]raid; Faerie fire (Wild)

The hidden state is raid, and the non-hidden state is elf fire.