What harm does taking anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers often have to the body?


Nowadays, many people are fragile, and if they feel a little pain, they just look for painkillers. There are many kinds of painkillers on the market now, with different effects. Although taking one tablet can quickly take effect and relieve pain, if you often rely on painkillers like this, it is tantamount to putting yourself at higher risk. Often relying on painkillers, in addition to what we often say will lead to drug addiction, many other ingredients of painkillers themselves will cause harm to the human body.

For example, it will cause gastrointestinal peristalsis disorder, constipation, nausea and vomiting, and some will make people sleepy and often want to sleep because of the stable ingredients. If it is serious, it will bring serious load to the kidneys and liver, and there will be symptoms of drug poisoning. Therefore, taking painkillers should be taken according to the doctor's advice and should not be abused casually.