What are the violations of the right to life and health?

The right to health only protects citizens' health, and takes citizens' health interests as its content. The so-called right to health also refers to the specific personality right of citizens with the interests of their normal operation and perfect function as the content. The right to health is an important personality group, and only citizens can enjoy it. Legal persons have no right to health. Infringements on the right to health mainly include the following acts: 1. Infringements on the right to health include violent acts, such as beating or instigating others to beat, which cause physical injury or death to citizens and are serious violations of citizens' right to health. Second, violations of the right to health include illegal use of weapons, police weapons and police equipment. This violation of the right to health refers to guns, batons, police ropes, handcuffs and so on. The staff of administrative organs who have the right to use weapons and police equipment mainly include the people's police and the armed police force. The use of weapons and police equipment must meet certain conditions. According to the relevant regulations, the people's police can use weapons or police equipment when performing official duties such as arresting, detaining, escorting criminals, patrolling and handling public security incidents, but they must meet the conditions, time, types and methods of using weapons and police equipment. It must adapt to the behavior degree of the managed object. When the use of weapons and police equipment needs to go through certain approval procedures, the approval procedures must be fulfilled, otherwise the citizens' right to health will be violated. Iii. Illegal use of weapons and police equipment In violation of the right to health, there are many forms of using weapons and police equipment when weapons and police equipment should not be used, which violates the right to health: (1) The use of weapons and police equipment does not correspond to the behavior of the managed person, which violates the right to health. (2) It is wrong to use weapons and police equipment, which violates the statutory examination and approval procedures and infringes on the right to health. Any violation of the right to health caused by the illegal use of weapons and police equipment by administrative staff in the course of performing official duties shall be borne by the state. Four. Violations of the right to health include other illegal acts that cause physical injury or death to citizens. This kind of violation of the right to health is a general provision of the State Compensation Law, which refers to the acts committed by administrative organs and their staff that harm citizens' right to life and health in addition to the acts listed in Article 3 of the State Compensation Law. Article 179 of the Civil Law stipulates that anyone who infringes upon others and causes personal injury shall pay compensation for medical expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, nutrition expenses, hospital food subsidies and other reasonable expenses for treatment and rehabilitation, as well as the income reduced due to missed work. If it causes disability, it shall also compensate for the cost of assistive devices and disability compensation; If death is caused, funeral expenses and death compensation shall also be paid.