On the premise that dogs love to eat, the owner can regularly feed some tomatoes to the dogs, and it is best to remove the skin of tomatoes, because the skin of tomatoes is easy to get stuck in the dog's upper jaw.
However, tomatoes are not nutritious for dogs. At the same time, tomatoes contain alkaloids and atropine, which will be dangerous to dogs after being eaten in large quantities. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which can supplement some nutrition for puppies.
But you must not give your dog too many tomatoes. Dogs can eat a small amount of cooked tomatoes. Tomatoes can also play a good role in dog's hair and skin, but be sure to feed them after they are ripe, because immature tomatoes contain solanine, which may cause poisoning of puppies, with clinical manifestations such as drooling, dyspnea and convulsions.
The harm of tomatoes to dogs
Tomatoes are a part of solanaceae vegetables. These plants contain toxic elements, but there are still edible parts, including peppers, eggplant and potatoes. This means that although tomatoes do have many benefits to the health of dogs, they can be used as a snack.
But tomatoes themselves are poisonous. Lycopene is a toxic substance, which exists in the stems and leaves of tomatoes and similar plants. Solanum nigrum is common in all solanaceae plants.