Where can I find the health code in Alipay

Where is AliPay health code? Nowadays, health codes have been popularized in many areas, and friends in need can apply directly with their mobile phones. So, where is the health code that has been applied for in Alipay? How do we use it? Here is how to find and use Alipay health code. Let's have a look!

Where is AliPay health code?

We used the health code applied by Alipay in the card package. The specific viewing and usage methods are as follows:

1, open the mobile phone Alipay;

Where is AliPay health code? How to find and use Alipay health code

2. After entering the Alipay homepage, click the card package at the top right;

Where is AliPay health code? How to find and use Alipay health code

3. After entering the card package page, click "Health Code" on the right to view it;

Where is AliPay health code? How to find and use Alipay health code

4. After the page jumps, the health code will come out, and the staff who show the health code when traveling will be released.

Where is AliPay health code? How to find and use Alipay health code

It is very convenient to apply, view and use health codes. Users who need to travel don't forget to get a health code for themselves!