(1) Improve the level of health cognition. Most health problems are related to life behaviors, and bad life behaviors are closely related to personal cognition of health.
(2) Lifestyle changes, including salt restriction, oil control, smoking cessation, physical activity, stress management, weight management and dietary behavior choice.
(3) Establish a supportive environment, no smoking in the workplace, low oil and low salt in the unit canteen, and all fitness equipment in the sports ground.
1. Invisible;
2. indivisibility;
3. instability;
4. perishable;
5. Customer satisfaction standards;
6. Customer participation.
The Industrial Essence of Health Management
The industry essence of health management is the word "management". What is management? Management is a plan and all activities to achieve it. Management is a continuous cycle process. According to the theory that management is a process, Dr. Deming, a world-renowned quality management expert, put forward PDCA cycle method based on total quality management theory in the 1950s.
JCIA (Hospital Management Standard of Joint Committee for International Accreditation of Medical Institutions) recommended PDCA cycle as a hospital quality improvement scheme. PDCA is the acronym of English words: Plan, Do, Check, Action. PDCA cycle is a scientific procedure for quality management in this order, which is endless.
Some people call it the basic method of quality management, and it is also the logical process to carry out any work effectively. This management method plays an important role in helping individuals make behavior changes.