Does walter bagehot's cheese pudding also have nutritional value?

Cheese pudding contains nutrients of cheese and calcium easily absorbed by human body, which is beneficial to human bone development. Cheese can improve human body's disease resistance, protect eye health and protect skin fitness. It is beneficial to maintain the stability and balance of normal intestinal flora and prevent diarrhea and constipation.

Walter bagehot, France, based on traditional fromage and combined with China flavor, produces more than 20 single series cheeses in 8 series.

Baijifu grow up cheese

Product features: Imported milk source is rich in calcium. The calcium content of a cup of growing cheese is equivalent to that of four equal servings of milk, which can meet more than half of children's daily intake. Rich in dietary fiber, from natural grains, it helps to maintain the normal operation of the intestine. [2]

Suggested eating method: eat it directly, mix it with staple food (porridge, rice and noodles) or fruits and vegetables, or smear it on small pieces of bread and steamed bread to accompany it.

Rich taste: original flavor, strawberry, blueberry, banana, chocolate.

Baijifu gold cheese

Specially added seaweed oil dha is purer and safer, and promotes children's brain development.

Taurine is specially added to promote the growth and development of children's intelligence and nervous system.