Auspicious code can be used as access to government agencies, enterprises and institutions at all levels, government affairs halls (service centers) at all levels and various sub-halls, airports (including departure halls and arrival halls), stations (including train urban rail transit, long-distance passenger waiting rooms and exits), inter-provincial traffic checkpoints, farmers' markets, shopping malls, supermarket stores, hospitals, schools, banks, public parking lots and residential quarters.
The person who holds the yellow code, self-reported or scanned the code, has a temperature of over 37.3. If your body temperature returns to normal, any code scanner can upload body temperature information by scanning code, and the identity code will be updated to green; According to the comparison of national data, people with orange codes may be close contacts or suspects. If you have no symptoms and there are no abnormal records in the national database, the national system will automatically update the data for you, and your ID code will be automatically converted into a green code.
For those who hold red team, according to the comparison of national data, you are a confirmed or suspected case, and the color of the code is controlled and adjusted according to the national control rules.