Family therapy
After the symptoms of hemorrhoids appear, patients can take the following treatments at home besides adjusting their diet:
Hemorrhoid ointment or suppository: use over-the-counter hemorrhoid ointment or suppository. The medicine can eliminate inflammation and congestion, and play a role in lubricating anal canal. After 7~ 10 days of treatment, the symptoms can be basically relieved. However, this suppository should not be used for a long time, otherwise it will cause damage to anal tissue.
Ointment containing hydrocortisone (hormone): commonly used ointment containing 1% hydrocortisone. If the patient's symptoms are serious, the doctor may also recommend using an ointment containing 2.5% hydrocortisone. This ointment can't be used for more than 2 weeks.
Sit bath: Sit bath twice a day, and soak anus 10~ 15 minutes with warm water.
Oral painkillers: Over-the-counter painkillers, such as acetaminophen, help to relieve pain and also have the effect of relieving pain and swelling.
Local anesthesia: use drugs with local anesthetic effect. The name or composition of such products usually contains "Kane". Although they can help some patients to relieve symptoms, especially those with external hemorrhoids, they can cause allergic reactions in some patients. Therefore, before using this drug,
Fixed therapy
The purpose of this therapy is to reduce the blood supply of hemorrhoid tissue, make it atrophy and subside, and the scar tissue left in the original position can also prevent the recurrence of hemorrhoids.
Clinically, fixed therapy is mainly suitable for patients with internal hemorrhoids who are over 70 years old or in poor health.
Rubber band ligation: use rubber band to ligate the bottom of hemorrhoids, cut off their blood flow, and make hemorrhoids atrophy and necrosis, and fall off in a week or so.
Injection therapy: injection of sclerosing agent at the top of hemorrhoid nucleus, often combined with apron ligation to increase the success rate.
Infrared coagulation therapy: Using the strong penetration of infrared heat, the blood vessels are coagulated and occluded to achieve the purpose of hemostasis, and at the same time, the tissues are coagulated, denatured, necrotic, scabbed and detached, so that the wound tissues can be repaired and cured.
Laser therapy: laser therapy can be divided into two methods: cauterization and cutting. High-power gas laser is often used in cauterization treatment, so that the irradiated hemorrhoid tissue is completely gasified, and generally a black eschar will be left after treatment. The cutting rule is to directly cut the root of hemorrhoids with a highly concentrated laser beam to remove hemorrhoids.
Direct current bipolar electrocoagulation therapy: applying direct current to the tip of electroacupuncture, centering on the tip of electroacupuncture, the tissue temperature rises rapidly within a certain range, leading to protein degeneration, blocked blood supply to the tissue, and gradually atrophy and fibrosis, thus achieving the purpose of clearing the diseased tissue.
Microwave thermal coagulation therapy: after the tissue is irradiated by microwave, the microwave energy is converted into heat energy, which makes the tissue coagulate and die.
Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy is the application of cold coagulation to relieve symptoms. There are foul-smelling secretions after treatment, so cryotherapy has been rarely used in outpatient surgery for hemorrhoids.
Surgical therapy
When the symptoms of hemorrhoids seriously interfere with patients' daily life, or there is a clinical emergency caused by hemorrhoids, such as uncontrollable bleeding, or severe rectal pain with blood and pus flowing out of the anus, and other treatment schemes are ineffective, surgical treatment is needed.
There are different surgical suggestions according to the types of hemorrhoids:
Internal hemorrhoid surgery: the last choice after clinical conservative treatment failed. Common methods include simple ligation, segmental ligation, internal hemorrhoidectomy, prolapse and hemorrhoids with stapler (PPH), selective prolapse and hemorrhoids with stapler (TST), suction ligation (RPH) and internal ligation of incarcerated internal hemorrhoids.
External hemorrhoid surgery: generally, surgical resection is not required, unless it is very large, which makes the patient feel uncomfortable, or for other reasons, it is necessary to perform surgery in the anal area, such as internal hemorrhoid resection or anal fissure repair. Or external hemorrhoids have blood clots, and surgery is needed to remove the blood clots to relieve the pain. The common operations include thrombectomy, excision and suture of external hemorrhoids.
Mixed hemorrhoid surgery: external stripping and internal ligation, external stripping and internal ligation injection, excision and suture, etc.
Not all doctors have the clinical experience and necessary equipment to carry out the above treatment, so it is recommended to consult doctors about which treatment scheme is most suitable for them.