This greeting may be changed to wish you good health and mental health at the same time. Under the premise that the world stubbornly believes that health is more important, human society will be full of "mental patients" who are mentally unhealthy but very healthy.
I think the doctor will see the one that will lead to the end of his life first. Physical problems and psychological problems will be given priority. Imagine that a patient with leg necrosis, a patient with abnormal psychology, is about to end his own life or the lives of others. If the doctor saves that extreme problem first, it will definitely lead to extreme conclusions.
From the perspective of human health, physical health is more important than mental health. This set of data only reflects the health status of individuals, but people are still social people. As a social person, mental health is more important than physical health. (The examples are all random), isn't it very general to replace people's social attributes with personal attributes?
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