When the glacier has no edges and corners, when the river stops flowing, when the heat is unbearable and the four seasons are not divided, when all the flowers and trees wither, can people still grasp the years and appreciate landscape paintings? When there is no harvest in the countryside, when the sea is no longer calm, when droughts, floods and diseases appear in parallel, and when all kinds of creatures turn into nothingness, can people still enjoy prosperity and live a rainy life?
Global warming is not just a rise in temperature.
The temperature of the earth is similar to that of people. Although there are natural differences and fluctuations in different directions and at different times, they are generally stable through various means such as "breathing" and "sweating".
When a person's body temperature rises by more than 5%, he will have a high fever, coma and even death. According to the diagnosis of many scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global warming will increase the temperature of the earth by several degrees Celsius within one hundred years, while China is more seriously affected by global warming, and the warming rate is higher than that of the whole world.
In recent years, warm winters and hot summers have given people a preliminary understanding of the power of global warming "epidemic". However, global warming is far more than warming up-if left unchecked, mankind will face a series of disasters such as floods, droughts, diseases, famines, water shortages, melting glaciers, wave encroachment and species extinction.
The impact of global warming is not evenly distributed, and different parts of the world will bear different impacts. Asia and Africa will become the hardest hit areas of global warming. However, the migration and conflict between populations and species will be more prominent, even related to the rise and fall of countries, societies and regions. In the long run, the whole world will face the increasingly severe impact of global warming, and frequent natural disasters and social problems will follow.
In Hainan Province, China, due to drought, farmers can only pump groundwater out of the ground and then pump it up the mountain to water their fields.
Global warming is a man-made disaster, not a natural disaster.
Why is the flame of global warming getting worse? Is this the natural rhythm of the earth, or is it man-made staccato? This problem caused great controversy among the crowd. In February 2007, the first report of IPCC ruled that 90% of global warming is caused by human activities.
Human activities lead to excessive emission of carbon dioxide, which covers the earth with a thick layer of carbon dioxide "glass", so that the earth absorbs the energy of the sun, but it is difficult to release its "enthusiasm". The global climate will become warmer and the earth will become a "fireball".
In the early days, the earth's atmosphere was full of carbon dioxide. At that time, the earth was quite hot. After billions of years, plants and animals appeared one after another, and the atmospheric composition gradually changed, eventually forming a balanced system that provided today's life and survival.
However, this balanced Xanadu suffered a heavy blow in the face of the industrial revolution built by human beings for one or two hundred years. On the one hand, the combustion of coal, oil and natural gas changes the composition of the atmosphere, and all these chemical fuels will produce a lot of carbon dioxide when burning. On the other hand, a large number of forests have been cut down, and the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by plants has been decreasing. Industrial waste gas, deforestation, war smoke and garbage pollution have broken the balance of the earth and eventually led to the increasingly serious global warming.
The change of atmospheric composition is global, but the ground is divided into countries. For their own economic goals, countries build factories, build cars and cut down trees. Therefore, the emission of carbon dioxide will increase, but the absorption will decrease, leading to global warming.
Actively respond to global warming, the earth is there, and so are we.
Activists in Greenpeace display a banner of "Use Clean Energy" in front of a chimney that emits a lot of greenhouse gases.
When the weather is hot, people will turn on the horsepower of the air conditioner; However, there is no "planet hospital" to treat global warming. In the long run, human beings connected with the umbilical cord of the earth are of course the direct victims of the consequences of global warming.
The hourglass of the earth is dying, and the IPCC report calls for: It is time to make choices and take action to deal with global warming!
The perfect solution to reduce the earth's heat is to take immediate action to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Reduce the use of fossil fuels, integrate renewable energy such as sunlight and wind into our imagination, and let clean energy drive our healthy life; Trees help us avoid the scorching sun, and forests and plants also provide coolness for the earth, so protecting forests is also a good way to delay global warming; Of course, in our daily life, we should buy cars with low energy consumption and environmental protection, save electricity ... everyone cherishes energy and the earth will cool down.
For many years, Greenpeace has been calling for stopping global warming and developing renewable energy. At the same time, we are committed to protecting virgin forests and making unremitting efforts to delay global warming.
Choose to sit still or take action, actively improve or continue to destroy, and all our actions on global warming will be rewarded by the earth accordingly.