Mother-daughter health video website

First of all, if you educate your daughter like this, the consequences will not be what you want.

I suggest you consult a psychologist first, if possible. Second, communicate with children more, listen to children's views on things more, and don't make assumptions from adults' views. Third, take more children to public places. For example, go to the bookstore, eat out occasionally, or go to the supermarket together. Let her feel the sunny side of society, and the society is very beautiful. More contact with people will also make her more outgoing.

Growing up in a single-parent family, it is right to show concern. But it depends on personality. More assertive children or extroverts are usually rebellious and bad at school. But introverted children will become withdrawn and feel inferior.

Secondly, you often show her documentary news about the legal system, which will only make her more distrustful of people and afraid of society. Because she is 12 years old after all. It is not comprehensive to know the society, but if you are right again.