1, acupoint massage 1 is the masseur Li San. Press Li San on the right hand with the thumb of the left hand, rub it up, down, left and right for 1 min, and then massage Li San on the left hand with the right hand. Massage three times a day. The second is to massage Tang Yin. Press the acupoints with your index finger or thumb, and massage up, down, left and right every day 1 min, three times a day.
2. Hold the affected area. Pinch the tenderness point of the left shoulder with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, press it hard and deeply, move it back and forth, left and right 1 min, and then pinch the right shoulder with the left hand. Pinch it twice a day.
3. Functional exercise
(1) The fist swings in circles for the shoulder joint. First swing from front to back 15 turn, then swing from back to front 15 turn, and then turn the other shoulder joint in the same way. Swing twice a day.
(2) shrug your shoulders. Sit or stand with your hands akimbo, then shrink your head and shrug your shoulders up and down 15 times each time, twice a day.
(3) Pull the side of the ear. First grab the left and right auricles from the back of the head with your right hand and pull them 15 times, then pull the right auricle with your left hand. Pull twice a day.
(4) Raise your hand. Hands clasped with fingers, palms up, top of head, up and down, back and forth 30 times, twice a day.
(5) Spread your wings. Keep your right and left hands straight, lift them horizontally, palm down, and fan them up and down 30 times, 3 times a day.
(6) the head. Lie in bed, put your hands behind your head, put your palms and fingers together, and look up 20 times, twice a day.
(7) Shake your elbow. Hold the elbow at the same time, then shake it up, down, left and right 30 times, twice a day. When operating, all kinds of practices should be slow first and then fast, light first and then heavy, and the degree of acid swelling is slightly painful. All kinds of practices have the functions of relaxing muscles and tendons, promoting blood circulation, diminishing inflammation and relieving pain, and enhancing shoulder function. As for the order and posture, do it several times at a time and several times a day. You can master it flexibly according to your specific situation at that time. But stick to it every day and should not be interrupted.