First, India's feudal superstition will tear India apart. India is a country with a large population and one of the countries with the largest land area. As one of the few superpowers with nuclear weapons in the world, India has never been able to develop itself independently. However, it is undeniable that India has a large population. As long as India's religions are unified to a certain extent, then India may truly become a superpower. However, judging from the current situation, various religions in India are still in a fragmented situation.
Second, India's religion is backward but suitable for rulers to use 1. Church culture.
Control faith
3. Ignorance policy
Although India has many top technologies, including computer technology and achievements in aerospace and some military weapons. However, India's religious culture makes Indian residents have no good opportunities to receive education. Because in the eyes of Indians, believing in various gods is a means to free themselves and live forever. Therefore, in this environment, it is impossible to achieve class leap and social cycle.
Third, without social circulation, the country has no hope that India's feudal and ignorant resident policy will make Indian residents more ignorant. Moreover, without adequate education, many excellent Indian cultures will be difficult to spread among the people of the whole country.
Although India is a superpower, there are many internal contradictions to be solved. Including in the current environment, COVID-19 has not been well contained. India is still obsessed with feudal superstitious activities, which shows that the domestic situation in India is not optimistic.