How to say healthy English?

Healthy English is health.

Expansion: Health refers to a good state of being disease-free and painless in all aspects of body, mind and society, and is an important part of human happy life. Keeping healthy can improve the quality of life, enhance the ability to resist diseases and promote personal and social development.

Health is a comprehensive concept, including physical, psychological and social aspects. Physical health is the most basic element of health, which shows that the functions of body organs are normal and intact, including cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system and nervous system. Mental health is a good adaptability and cognitive level to emotions and society. Social health refers to the harmonious state of individuals in family, community, work and political environment.

In order to keep healthy, we need to pay attention to all aspects of daily life. Healthy diet, various exercises, moderate rest and good living habits are important means to improve health. For example, drinking more water and eating reasonable protein, vegetables and fruits can promote metabolism and discharge waste. Regular exercise can improve physical function, prevent disease risks and promote mental health. Obeying healthy diet and exercise habits is the key to keeping healthy.

Mental health is also an important issue for adults. Long-term stress and negative emotions will affect mental health. In order to maintain mental health, individuals should learn to relax themselves, spend their spare time happily and communicate with family and friends. At the same time, positive psychological intervention methods, such as listening and self-psychological counseling, can also help individuals face problems and difficulties.