In ancient times, there were actually two kinds of women who had no choice but to be prostitutes. One is to sell one's talents for performing work, and the other is to sell one's body to satisfy people's desires. There were also many kinds of prostitutes in ancient times. Brothel women sell themselves to specialized profit-making organizations to make a living. This kind of private brothel does not need government control. It is a private enterprise, and its income depends on its ability. But we should also have a good relationship with the government, otherwise it is easy for some gangsters to find trouble and then stop.
The sorrow of a brothel woman, becoming a brothel woman, is a helpless move, or the family is miserable, and in order to subsidize the family, they have to sell themselves into a brothel. Or in the early years, parents sold their daughters because they couldn't afford them. Some women are even natural prostitutes, so-called illegitimate daughters. Women in brothels really want to have a happy family, but this simple thing is a delusion in the eyes of ordinary people and in front of women in brothels. Because it is too difficult to be a good person, the cruel reality has hit their desire for life. After all, the concept of money and their health are not small problems.
You know, a woman in a brothel sold herself to this brothel organization. If she wants to be a good girl, she must have enough money to make up for it. But prostitutes earn very little money, and few people can afford the high cost of redemption. Men are generally reluctant to marry prostitutes. After all, they look down on prostitutes and think they are dirty. Besides, there are too many rumors, and prostitutes have to put up with them. Even if they succeed, the discussion in the neighborhood can make her lift her head. Moreover, if you become a prostitute, you will never get pregnant and you will lose the right to be a mother.