Corn is a coarse grain with high fiber content and relatively high energy. Fiber is good for intestinal peristalsis, and energy can meet your body's needs. Moreover, corn is rich in vitamins and trace elements, and it is a healthy food.
The benefits of eating more corn:
1. Corn contains more crude fiber, which is 4 ~ 10 times higher than polished rice and refined flour. Corn also contains a lot of magnesium, which can strengthen the peristalsis of intestinal wall and promote the elimination of waste in the body.
2. Corn can be boiled in soup instead of tea, or pressed into corn porridge and tortillas. Puffed popcorn is bulky, full after eating, and low in calories.
3, corn can improve vision: corn contains flavonoids, which has a certain effect on macula, so eating more corn is good for vision.
4, corn can prevent cancer, anti-aging: selenium and magnesium contained in corn have anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects. Selenium and vitamin E together can prevent more than ten kinds of cancers, especially the most common breast cancer and rectal cancer. In addition, selenium can also regulate the work of thyroid and prevent cataracts; On the one hand, magnesium can inhibit the development of cancer cells, on the other hand, it can strengthen the peristalsis of intestinal wall and promote the excretion of waste in the body, which is also of great significance for cancer prevention. It contains a longevity factor-glutathione, which produces glutathione oxidase with the participation of selenium, and has the functions of restoring youth and delaying aging.
5, corn beard also has the function of beauty and weight loss: because vitamin E in corn germ can also promote human cell division and prevent wrinkles on the skin; Corn must have diuretic effect, which is also good for losing weight. Puffed popcorn has a large volume, which can eliminate the hunger of obese people after eating, but its calorie content is very low, so it is one of slimming foods.
6, regulating hormones: vitamin E rich in corn can increase hormone secretion through gonads, improve sexual ability and prevent miscarriage.
What are the disadvantages of eating too much corn?
1, eating too much coarse grains will affect digestion. Excessive cellulose can lead to acute symptoms such as intestinal obstruction and dehydration.
2, eating coarse grains for a long time will also affect absorption, so that the human body lacks a lot of basic nutrition. The so-called "delicious face" is a typical manifestation of malnutrition caused by eating too much cellulose.
3. For those "special" people who need a lot of nutrition, the harm caused by excessive consumption of coarse grains is the most obvious, including pregnant women, lactating women and teenagers in their growth and development.
4. Cellulose can also interfere with drug absorption. It can reduce the efficacy of some hypolipidemic drugs and antipsychotic drugs.