Surgery: height, weight, limbs, spine, skin, thyroid, lymph, etc. Blood routine, urine routine, liver function, blood sugar, electrocardiogram, abdominal B-ultrasound, X-ray.
Internal medicine: blood pressure, pulse, abdomen, cardiopulmonary auscultation, etc.
Middle-aged people over 40 years old should have blood lipid, renal function, tumor screening, carotid color Doppler ultrasound, hysteroappendix (female) and prostate (male) examinations. Especially those with family history, they should communicate with doctors and appropriately increase relevant physical examination items.
Married women should also increase gynecological, breast infrared scanning and TCT in order to detect cervical cancer, breast cancer and other diseases at an early stage.
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The so-called unit physical examination is to conduct a targeted physical examination of your body according to your work or your post. There is a difference between a unit physical examination and a general physical examination. The items of unit physical examination are relatively fixed, and they are some relatively basic items.