Is Zhengzhou Yiruntang a direct seller?

Yiruntang does not do direct sales, but takes the traditional distribution model, that is, provincial generation-city generation-county generation-store.

This can provide better market after-sales service, accurate to each person in charge,

Because Yiruntang's products have good effects and low prices, which have touched the interests of some unscrupulous merchants, it is not surprising that some unscrupulous merchants have no conscience to slander Yiruntang ... For those who vilify Yiruntang's brand with their mouths open, we can only ha ha. ..

If you want to really understand Yiruntang, or if a friend at home has sub-health symptoms and needs to be recuperated, you can ask me to see how the effect is, and it will be OK. The product is not afraid of being vilified by others! ! !